Here’s our standard warranty. It comes with every job we do, no matter how large or small the job is. Additional warranties may be offered depending on the type of job and the source of the parts.
Warranty begins on the day work is completed and is valid for 12 months/12,000 miles. If customer provides parts or if the customer opts to utilize used parts, only defects in installation work will be covered. If it is found that a reported defect was attributable to customer-provided and/or used parts and not installation thereof, the customer is liable for any labor expended in diagnosis, disassembly and repair, charged at a rate of $75 per hour.
We are also proud to be a part of O’Reilly Auto Parts’ nationwide Worry Free Protection program! All work done by Integrity AutoWorks now carries a 12-month/12,000 mile warranty that is valid at any Worry Free Protection shop Nationwide! Ask us for details!